Dual-Degree Programs at The College of Wooster
The College provides students with the opportunity to pursue a liberal arts degree from Wooster in conjunction with a graduate/professional degree from several leading universities. Graduate or professional programs in dentistry, nursing, engineering, social work, and forestry and environmental studies are examples of eligible programs that may be approved. Specific requirements for some of these programs are provided below. The Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement will exercise judgment as to which graduate and professional programs are consistent with a baccalaureate degree and will set conditions for awarding the degree.
Students who intend to pursue dual degrees may complete the senior year in absentia and upon the completion of a specified portion of the graduate/professional program receive the baccalaureate degree. A candidate for the in absentia privilege should apply in writing to the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement by the end of the second semester of the sophomore year and must receive the recommendation of the major department. Wooster does not offer financial aid for the senior year in absentia.
The general conditions under which approval of participation in a combined program is granted are as follow:
- The student must have completed at least 24 semester courses of which not fewer than 16 courses have been completed at Wooster. No more than two transfer courses may be offered, if approved, in fulfillment of degree requirements for participation in a Combined Professional Program.
- All other requirements of the College for the degree of Bachelor of Arts must have been met, except in the major and in Independent Study. In the major, the student must have successfully completed a sufficient number of courses in the first three years so as to complete the major in a fourth year, if necessary, without a course overload. Students enrolled in the 3-2, 3-3, or 3-4 programs may declare a major in only one department.
Pre-Engineering 3-2 programs B.A./B.S.
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
- Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri
Forestry and Environmental Management 3-2 B.A./MF or MEM
Nursing 3-2 B.A./MN
Pre-Dental/Dental Program 3-4 B.A./DMD
Social Work 3-2 B.A/MSW