Bomb Threats

A bomb threat is defined as a threat to detonate an explosive or incendiary device to cause property damage, injuries, or death, whether or not such a device actually exists. Even a bogus, or fake, threat can have negative consequences. Prepare yourself today in case this happens to you.

How to respond to a bomb threat at the College of Wooster

  • If you receive a phoned threat:
    • Remain calm & do not hang up, keep the caller on the line for as long as possible
    • If possible, signal other staff members to listen & notify Campus Safety at x3333 or 330-287-3333
    • If the phone has a display, copy the number and/or letters on the display
    • Write down the exact wording of the threat
    • Record the call, if possible
    • Fill out the Bomb Threat Checklist immediately while the call is fresh in your head
  • If you receive or discover a social media or email threat:
    • Remain calm
    • Do not turn off or log out of the account
    • Leave the message open on the device
    • Take a screenshot, or copy the message and subject line
    • Note the date and time
    • Notify Campus Safety at x3333 or 330-287-3333
  • If you receive a written threat:
    • Remain calm
    • Handle the document as little as possible
    • Note date, time, and location the document was found
    • Secure the document and do not alter the item in any way
    • Notify Campus Safety at x3333 or 330-287-3333