Medical Emergencies

If you or someone you know is seriously injured or requires immediate medical intervention:

  1. Dial 911 or (330) 287-3333. Be prepared to provide detailed information on the location and symptoms of the ill or injured person.
  2. Unless trained, do not attempt to render any first aid before assistance arrives.
  3. Do not attempt to move a person who has fallen and appears to be in pain.
  4. Attempt to obtain the following information from the ill or injured person:
    • Name, if not known
    • Description of symptoms
    • Allergies
    • Medications
    • Major medical history (heart condition, asthma, diabetes, etc.)
  5. Remain at the scene after emergency personnel have arrived in case they need additional information.
  6. Planning for such emergencies includes being trained in emergency first-aid procedures and CPR.

If someone may have been poisoned:

  1. Call the nationwide Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222. The center can also answer questions about poisons and poison prevention.
  2. If the person has collapsed, is not breathing, is ill, or is convulsing, dial 911 or (330) 287-3333.