Suspicious Mail/Packages

According to the United States Postal Service, these are some things to be on the lookout for if you receive mail or packages that you weren’t expecting or otherwise do not make sense:

If you receive a suspicious letter or package:

• Stop. Don’t handle it!
• Isolate it immediately
• Don’t open, smell, or taste contents
• Notify Campus Safety at (330) 263-2590

What to watch for:

• No return address
• Restrictive markings
• Misspelled words. Badly typed or handwritten
• Unknown powder or suspicious substance
• Possibly mailed from a foreign country unexpectantly. Excessive postage
• Oily stains, discolorations, crystallization on wrapper
• Excessive tape
• Strange odor
• Incorrect title or addressed to title only
• Rigid or bulky
• Lopsided or uneven
• Protruding wires

If you suspect the mail or package contains a bomb (explosive), or radiological, biological, or chemical threat:

• Isolate area immediately and get away from the package. Take others with you.
• Call 911
• Wash your hands with soap and water