The College of Wooster’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is a federally mandated committee that oversees the college’s animal programs, facilities and procedures to ensure the appropriate care, use, and humane treatments of animals being used for research, testing and education. The IACUC serves as a resource to faculty, students, and staff, providing guidance in meeting applicable guidelines for animal care and use.

In accordance with the United States Public Health Service Policy, the College of Wooster IACUC:

  • Reviews the College’s overall program for humane care and use of animals
  • Inspects the College’s animal facilities.
  • Reviews and approves animal research proposals and modifications to approved protocols.
  • Reviews concerns involving the care and use of animals at the College.

All college students and personnel participating in animal research should complete IACUC training, and all research protocols involving the use of vertebrate animals must be reviewed and approved (or classified as exempt) by the committee before they can be implemented.

IACUC Members

Submission deadlines for students

Fall 2024

Submit your completed IACUC, with your faculty mentor’s statement of support, to

Spring 2025

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis during spring semester.

Student Training (must be completed prior to beginning work with vertebrates). 

Please go to the CITI Program website and click Register, type “The College of Wooster” into the Select your Organizational Affiliation box, click both associated check boxes and Create an Account.  Move on to creating an account and you will eventually come to a page that allows you to see the “courses” the College of Wooster will allow you to complete.  Choose the Working with Rats or Working with Mice – which ever species you plan to engage with.


IACUC Policies and Guiding Documents