What is an allergy?
An allergy is an exaggerated reaction by the body’s immune system to proteins. In the case of allergies to laboratory animals, the proteins most frequently associated with the allergic reaction are found in the animal’s urine, saliva and dander.
What arethe symptoms of allergic reactions to laboratory animals and when do they occur?
The earliest symptoms include nasal stuffiness, a runnynose, sneezing, red irritated eyes and hives. Rarer but more serious symptoms may resemble asthma, including coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath, and those will allergies may develop a severereaction following an animal bite. The first symptoms of laboratory animal allergiestypically appear within twelve monthsof beginning work. Infrequently, reactions only occur after working with animals for several years. Initially the symptoms are present within minutes of exposure to the animals. Approximately half of allergic individualswill have their initial symptoms subside and then recur three or four hours following the exposure.
What laboratory animals are associated with allergic reactions?
Most animals used in research have been identified as the source of allergic symptoms. Because mice and rats are the animals most frequently used in research studies, there are more reports of allergies to rodents than other laboratory animals.
What are the chances of developing an allergic reaction to laboratory animals?
It has been reported that 20-30% ofindividuals who work with laboratory animals will develop allergic symptoms. Up to 5% of those withallergies will developsymptomaticasthma as a result of their contact with laboratory animals.
Are there factors that are associated with an increased risk for developing an allergic reaction to laboratory animals?
Yes, a history of allergy to other animals (typically cats and dogs) is the best predictor for who will develop an allergy to animals found in research laboratories. Other factors associated with allergic reactions to laboratory animals include the individual’sintensity, frequency and route of the exposure to the animals. Activities such as handling animals and cleaning their cages may be associated with an increased risk of exposure to the animal proteins and thereby place the individualat greater risk of developing an allergic reaction. Although persons with apersonal or family history for asthma, seasonal allergies, and dermatitis are also at increased risk, individuals with no prior history of allergies and only brief work exposures can also develop allergic reactions.
What can be done to reduce the chance of developingan allergic reaction to laboratory animals?
The best approach for reducing the likelihood of developingan allergic reaction is to eliminate or minimize exposure to the proteins found in animal urine, saliva and dander. Ideally, this is accomplished by limiting skin or respiratory contact with animal proteins. Youcan reduce their risk of exposure by routinely using dust/mist masks, gloves and gowns. If additional respiratory protection isrequired, you should speak with your advisor or supervisor.
What should you do if you are concerned that you may have some of the symptoms that suggest an allergic to laboratory animals?
Notify your advisor supervisor of your concern and review your symptoms with a medical professional. You should also complete the Animal Facility Injury/Symptom Report Form. With early identification of allergic reactions to animals and appropriate treatment, most people can avoid further injury or the development of asthma.