Ohio Standards for Educator Preparation

What Are the Ohio Standards for Educator Preparation?

The purpose of this course is to give all education licensure candidates a basic understanding of Ohio-specific requirements for educator licensure. Each student will explore the standards that are required by all education students, regardless of licensure area. The ultimate goal is that all candidates are aware of the licensure standards so that as they enter the field of education they are familiar with the expectations that will be placed upon them.  Ohio State University has developed a free online course to meet licensure requirements.  The course covers the following areas of focus:  Introduction to the Resident Educator Program, Ohio Operating Standards, Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession, Ohio Standards for Professional Development, Value-Added Progress Metrics and Opioid Training.


The course will provide candidates with an overview of Ohio-specific educator standards and processes that will influence them as practicing teachers.  Each unit requires a passing score of 80% in order to unlock the next unit.

How do I get to the course?

The Ohio Standards for Educator Preparation course is available on the following link:

Ohio Standards for Educator Preparation Course

The course is available for self-enrollment within the Canvas network. If you do not already have a Canvas account, please sign up for one and proceed through the course. This course is a gateway for student teaching and must be completed in its entirety. The Canvas version is the only available version.

What are the course topics?

  • Unit 1 – Resident Educator Program
  • Unit 2 – Introduction to Ohio Operating Standards
  • Unit 3 – Introduction to the Standards for the Teaching Profession
  • Unit 4 – Introduction to the Standards for Professional Development
  • Unit 5 – Value-Added Analysis Workshop – Battelle for Kids Workshop, certificate of completion to be uploaded within the unit to Canvas
  • Unit 6 – Opioid Module, certificate of completion to be uploaded within the unit to Canvas

How long does it take to complete the Ohio Standards for Educator Preparation course?

You can complete the course all at once, or you can break it up into smaller pieces. On average, from beginning to end it should take no longer than two-and-a-half hours to complete.

*These modules are based on the modules developed by the Office of Educator Preparation of Ohio State University and we appreciate them sharing their work.