The Writing Center is looking for new consultants for the 2024-25 academic year.
We are seeking Wooster students who love collaborating with and helping fellow students. Strong writing (and revising) skills are important, of course, but the ability to mentor, collaborate, listen, and ask good questions is even more valuable to us! Full information about the job description can be found here.
Why are we recruiting students so early for next year?
Because all consultants need to take English 270 before they can start work in the Writing Center. English 270 is a writing-intensive course that will be running this spring semester on T/Th from 2:30 to 3:50pm. The course introduces students to theories of writing and writing pedagogy. Students are welcome to take it on a pass/fail basis if that works best for their schedules. Some seats in the course will be reserved for accepted applicants.
Interested in Applying?
- Submit your application here by Wednesday, Oct 25. Note that you do need a writing sample and the name of a professor to recommend you.
- Interview. We will be conducting interviews starting Wednesday, Oct 18 through Thurs, Oct 26. Decisions will be announced around Friday, Oct 27.