Visiting Scholar Julia Clarke to visit Wooster

headshot of Dr. Julia Clarke

The Phi Beta Kappa chapter is proud to host Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Julia Clarke on campus October 12-13th.  Clarke currently serves as the Jackson Chair in Geobiology and Associate Dean of Research and Education Impact at The University of Texas at Austin. She will participate in several events on campus including visits with classes in the Earth Sciences and Biology Departments and meetings with faculty, staff, and students.

Dr. Clarke will present a public lecture entitled The Secret Lives of Dinosaurs on Thursday, October 12 at 7p.m. in Lean Lecture Hall, especially well-timed to celebrate Earth Science Week October 8-14, 2023. Clarke will share the latest scientific discoveries about dinosaurs, including how we have started to gain insight into their color and sound. While her early research centered on traits related to locomotion, feathers, flight and the co-option of a wing for underwater diving, more recently, she has been focused on systems related to visual and vocal communication. She also profiles contemporary paleontological practice from field work around the world to how we use x-ray computed tomography to see new aspects of anatomy.

Clarke holds a Ph.D. from Yale University (Department of Geology and Geophysics) and a B.A. from Brown University (Geology-Biology & Comparative Literature).

Dr. Clarke’s visit is hosted in collaboration with the Departments of Earth Sciences and Biology with special thanks to Dr. Meagen Pollock (Earth Sciences) and Dr. Nick Brandley (Biology).