Current High School Students

High school students are able to enroll in courses at the College of Wooster for audit or credit. The following must be completed and approved prior to registration for current high school students to attend college courses here:

  1. Fill out the Special Registration form
  2. Have your parent/guardian fill out the Minor Consent form (if applicable)
  3. Contact your high school’s principal or guidance counselor for a letter of approval to attend college courses
    • Letter of approval needs to be sent to
  4. Email the instructors of the courses you wish to attend to be granted enrollment in their courses
    • The instructor approval needs to be sent to
  5. If you are taking a college course FOR CREDIT, you will need to contact Krista Way at or by phone 330-263-2321. All courses taken for credit have fees that will need to be paid prior to the student’s registration.
  6. This process will need to be repeated for each term the student wants to enroll in a course

Helpful Resources:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at or call our office at 330-263-2366.