Additional Information about SPPAC

Statute Language on SPPAC

Statute of Instruction, Article III, Section 2, E. Strategic Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee
1.  Membership
President (non-voting); Provost (non-voting); Vice President for Finance and Business (non-voting);  Vice President for Development (non-voting); Vice President for Enrollment (non-voting); Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students (non-voting); Chief Diversity Equity & Inclusion Officer (non-voting), the administrator appointed by the President to lead strategic planning (non-voting); two (2) staff members to be elected each year for three-year terms, as needed to fill vacancies; and six (6) faculty members, members to be elected each year for three-year terms, as needed to fill vacancies. One faculty member shall be elected from each of the three academic divisions of the College. Three faculty members shall be elected from the full faculty.

2.  Officers of the Committee
The President shall convene the first meeting of the Committee of the academic year.
At the first meeting of an academic year, the elected faculty members of the Committee shall select among themselves one to be the Chair of the Committee.
The Vice Chair of the Committee shall be appointed by the President, and shall normally be the administrator with lead responsibility for strategic planning.
The Vice Chair shall provide support for the Committee, including coordinating necessary information.
The Chair shall set the agenda in collaboration with the Vice Chair.

3.  Committee Responsibility and Duties:
The responsibility of this committee shall be to advise and counsel the President on strategic planning and the determination of resource allocation, to consult with campus constituencies on strategic planning and priorities, and to regularly apprise the faculty of issues under discussion. Its duties include the following.

  • The committee shall review the College’s strategic plan and annual priorities; monitor annual progress toward accomplishing the goals established by the strategic plan and annual priorities as established by the College’s administration and Board of Trustees; and make recommendations to the President regarding issues of strategic or financial importance.
  • The committee shall review the annual operating and capital budgets to assess the extent to which budget allocations align with institutional priorities. The Committee shall examine incomes and expenditures in past budgets and make recommendations for projected budgets.
  • The Committee shall consult with other faculty committees and campus constituencies regarding policy decisions that have strategic impact.
  • The Committee shall serve as a consulting or advisory group for the President and Cabinet on important planning priorities and financial matters as they arise.
  • The Committee shall regularly report on committee discussions and actions to the campus community, including sharing meeting minutes and making reports at faculty meetings.

4.  All budgets for the administrative and academic departments and other College departments and programs, shall be open to this committee.

Background on SPPAC

Committee on Conference With Trustees Proposed Change to Statute of Instruction To Reform Financial Advisory Committee as the Strategic Planning & Priorities Committee (approved by the full faculty February 2, 2015)

Financial Advisory Committee. See links to minutes and resources from previous years on the College wiki.