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Canon E05 Rebel DSLR

The Canon E05 DSLR Camera is a medium sized camera capable of taking high quality photos.

The E05 comes with one lens that is capable of short ranged zoom.

The camera has a variety of settings, the “Auto” mode will automatically focus the camera and set any other settings to give you the best image possible. There are many different modes that the E05 can be set to, everything from sports and portraits to manual focus and aperture. The camera can also take HQ video.

The E05 has an on board flash the will automatically pop up when needed.

The E05 uses SD memory to save images and video. A card is provided with the camera. You can also use the provided cable to remove images and place them on a computer or other device.

To charge the camera remove the battery from the camera and place in the wall battery charger. This charger can be placed into any standard wall charge

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