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Computer Lab Technology List

The “(+1)” beside the “Number of Computers” refers to an instructor computer. This is usually, but not always, the same model as the rest of the lab.

All computers have the Firefox browser installed in addition to the native OS browser (Internet Explorer for Windows, Safari for Mac OS X). Unless otherwise noted, all computers also have the latest version of Microsoft Office.

Computer Labs

Andrews Library

Room: McCoy
Name: McCoy
Computer Model: Apple iMac
Computer OS: Mac OS 13.4
Number of Computers: 11

Installed Software: Audacity, Firefox, Garage Band, Chrome, iBooks, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, Sophos, Zotero, Microsoft Office


Room: 109
Name: Digital Photo Lab
Computer Model: Apple MacBook Pro
Computer OS: Mac OS 12.6
Number of Computers: 14 (+1)

Installed Software: Adobe CC, Garage Band, iWorks (Keynote, Pages, Numbers), Microsoft Office, Unity, Fusion 360


Room: 243
Computer Model: Apple iMac
Computer OS: Mac OS 12.6.8
Number of Computers: 21

Installed Software: Microsoft Office, Chrome, Firefox, iMovie, Audacity


Room: 217
Name: Econ Lab
Computer Model: Apple iMac
Computer OS: Mac OS 10.13
Number of Computers: 7

Installed Software: SPSS 24, STATA 15, Java, Microsoft Office, Chrome


Room: 305
Name: Geology Lab
Computer Model: PCs
Computer OS: Windows 10
Number of Computers: 20

Installed Software: Microsoft Office, Arc GIS Pro, Adobe CC


Room: 101
Name: Physics Lab
Computer Model: Apple iMac
Computer OS: Mac OS 13.4
Number of Computers: 12(+1)

Installed Software: Mathematica 13.3,Pasco Capstone, Microsoft Office

Timken Science Library

Computer Model: HP
Computer OS: Windows 10
Number of Computers: 15 (+1)

Installed Software: Arc GIS Pro, ChemOffice 2016, Gaussian 09 Revision E.01, SPSS 24, Mathematica 10.2, Mega 7.0.14, MestReNova 10.0.0-14381, RStudio 1.0.153, SALT 2010, STATA 14 UCSF Chrimera 1.10.2,

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