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Controlling Cameras in a Fully Upgraded Classroom


Camera 1 – Faces the front of the classroom

Camera 2 – Faces the students

Presets for Camera 1 (facing the front of the classroom)

Preset 1: Teaching Station
Preset 2: Projector Screen Zoomed IN
Preset 3: Projector and Teaching Station Zoomed OUT
Preset 4: Chalkboard/Writing Surface (if possible)

Preset for Camera 2 (facing the students)

Preset 1: Middle of Classroom
Preset 2: Left Side of the Classroom
Preset 3: Right Side of the Classroom
Preset 4: Middle of Classroom Zoomed OUT

Using the Remote Control

Use the remote control to change the camera presets.

Accessing the camera presets using the remote
  1. Point the remote control at the camera you want to move. 
  2. Press the top number that corresponds to that camera (CAMERA SELECT 1 or 2). The green light on the camera should flash.
  3. Press the number 1, 2, 3, or 4 on the keypad below to change the camera preset. The presets are the same across campus. 
Moving the camera directly using the remote control
  1. Point the remote control at the camera you want to move. 
  2. Press the top number that corresponds to that camera (CAMERA SELECT 1 or 2). The green light on the camera should flash.
  3. Use the Zoom button to zoom in and out.  Press “+” to zoom in and “-” to zoom out.
  4. Use the arrow keys around the “Home” button to pan the camera left and right or move it up and down.

In a fully upgraded classroom, these presets can be chosen from the touch panel.

  1. Click on the “CAMERAS” icon on the touch panel home screen.
  2. Choose from the same four presets for both cameras. 
  3. The camera will move to the appropriate position.

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