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Disposition of Used Computer Equipment

No College-owned computer equipment will be sold, donated, recycled or otherwise disposed of until the Office of Information Technology has obtained it, examined it and determined that it cannot be feasibly redeployed within the College. All College-owned computer equipment that is replaced or otherwise taken out of service will be retrieved by IT and assessed for possible redeployment.

Computers that cannot be feasibly redeployed will be made available for sale, donation or recycling. Preference will be given to individuals or organizations willing to take substantial numbers of computers and willing to pick up and transport them. Individuals or organizations seeking five or fewer computers must pay, at minimum, an administrative fee for each computer. This fee will be set by the Chief Information Technology Officer. All individuals and organizations taking possession of used computers assume responsibility for the eventual, lawful disposal of the equipment, and must sign a document to that effect. Prior to disposition, IT will reformat all hard disks on all computers.

Exceptions to this policy can be made with the approval of the College president or a College vice president.

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