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Microsoft Forms

With Microsoft Forms, you can create surveys, quizzes, and polls. Microsoft Forms is available through your College Office 365 account.

*** If the Form has a FILE UPLOAD question, only College of Wooster users can View and Answer the Form.

Accessing Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Forms is available online (A Forms desktop app is now available in the Windows 11 Store). There are 2 ways to access Microsoft Forms:

  • Visit forms.office.com and login with your College credentials
  • login to Microsoft 365 and select Forms from the app switcher (waffle) located in the upper left-hand corner

Important Microsoft Forms Updates

The Microsoft Forms application has recently been updated with many useful features.

Creating and Sharing a Form

1. Access Microsoft Forms using one of the above methods.

This image shows the main page of Microsoft Forms.
Microsoft Forms Homepage

2. You can create a Form for your use outside of a Microsoft Team or one for the Team by clicking on the Team within Forms.

This image points to the New Quiz button and the My Groups section in Microsoft Forms.
Microsoft Forms homepage with arrows indicating your 2 choices for creating forms
This image shows the extended menu once the drop-down arrow is selected next to the New Quiz button.
The extended menu once the dropdown arrow is selected next to New Quiz

3. Once you select if you would like your form under a Team or just housed within Forms. The new Form will open ready for questions to be added.

This image shows the untitled from as the Microsoft Forms page is ready for questions.
Microsoft Forms page ready for questions

4. To add questions to the Form click on Add new, which will allow you to select from question options.

This image shows Forms question options menu. The buttons listed are Choice, Text, Rating, Date, and an arrow drop-down button.
Forms question options menu
This image shows Forms arrow drop-down button expanded. The items listed are Ranking, Likert, File upload, Net Promoter Score, and Section.
Forms expanded question options menu by clicking on the down error at the end of the original question options menu.

5. Once the type of question has been selected you can begin to fill in your Form. Each type of question has its own options and features. You can even add images or mark questions as allowing more than one answer. Simply click Add new after each question is completed to add more questions.

This image shows an example question within Forms.
Example question within Forms

Forms Menu

Forms is made to be a user friendly application with minimal extras. You can choose to change the Theme of your form Preview the form, or Share the form once it is completed. You can allows click on the 3 dots/ellipse at the end of the menu for more options.

This image shows Forms main menu. The items listed are Preview, Theme, and Share.
Forms main menu
This image shows the Share button expanded. The items listed are Settings, Multilingual, Print Form, Feedback, and Terms.
Forms extend menu accessed by clicking on the 3 dots/ellipse at the end of the main menu.
Theme Menu
This image shows an example of preset Theme options ranging from colors to pre-made images.
Example of preset Theme options
Share Menu

*** If the Form has a FILE UPLOAD question, only College of Wooster users can View and Answer the Form.

Forms allows you to share a link, QR code, embedded the form, or email a link to get responses to your form. You can also share as a template or share to collaborate.

This image shows Forms Share Menu.
Forms Share Menu
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