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New Technology Application or Integration Requests

Moodle External Tool Integrations

If a faculty member would like to integrate a tool from an external vendor (Cengage, Lumen, etc) then the vendor must demonstrate that they meet our Data Security and Privacy requirements. This will require the completion of the HECVAT (Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit) with a grade of at least B+. They will also need to submit a VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) which demonstrates full compliance with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0 and a target date for full compliance with WCAG 2.2.


  1. Faculty member requests the vendor complete and return the HECVAT Lite
  2. Faculty member requests that the vendor provide a VPAT
  3. If the HECVAT grade is at least B+ and the VPAT indicates compliance with the College’s expectations for application accessibility, then the faculty member
    1. emails helpdesk@wooster.edu with the subject “Request for Moodle External Tool Integration”
    2. attaches the HECVAT and VPAT files
    3. describes why the tool is needed
  4. A member of the IT staff will review the request and contact the faculty member
  5. If approved, IT staff will work with the vendor to install the external tool. If not approved, a member of the IT staff will contact the faculty member to explain why and explore options

Requests for external tool integration must be made no later than three weeks before the start of classes so that the integration can be tested and completed before the start of classes.

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