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The College of Wooster ERP Data Stewardship

Demographic Changes

The office responsible for demographic and relationship information changes, marking duplicate records, and marking persons as deceased is as follows. If a person has multiple affiliations with the college the hierarchy order will determine the responsible office.

Source CodeSource DescriptionHierarchy OrderResponsible Office
EMAEmployee Active1Human Resources
TRETrustee Emeritus2Alumni/Development
TRFTrustee Former2Alumni/Development
ALGAlumni Grad3Alumni/Development
ALHAlumni Honorary3Alumni/Development
ALNAlumni Nongrad3Alumni/Development
PSTParent of Current Student4Dean of Students
DAFDonor-Advised Fund5Alumni/Development
EDFFormer Employee Dependent5Alumni/Development
EDIEducational Institution5Alumni/Development
EDRRetired Employee Dependent5Alumni/Development
EMIEmployee Inactive5Human Resources
EMLEmployee Leave5Human Resources
EMREmployee Retired5Human Resources
FCOFoundation – Community5Alumni/Development
FCRFoundation – Corporate5Alumni/Development
FFAFoundation – Family5Alumni/Development
FPRFoundation – Private5Alumni/Development
GOVGovernment Organizations5Applications Development
RLOReligious Organization5Alumni/Development
SPOSocial/Professional Org5Alumni/Development
TRLTrustee life5Alumni/Development
PAPParent of Applicant6Admissions
PGRParents of Graduates6Alumni/Development
PNGParents of Nongrads6Alumni/Development
PWDParent of Withdrawn Student6Dean of Students
IDSID system only7Applications Development
STUStudent7Dean of Students
SWDWithdrawn Student7Dean of Students
AFFAffiliate8Applications Development
EMDEmployee Dependent8Human Resources
EMFEmployee Former8Human Resources
IDFID System – Former8Applications Development
OVOverlap Institution9Admissions
VENVendor9Business Office
A table of the Hierarchy of each department here at the College of Wooster

Additions and Exceptions

Residence Life will maintain off-campus house addresses for students

The Business Office will maintain billing addresses

Student name changes: Dean of Students Office

Employee Name changes: Human Resources

Other Data

Academic AffairsFaculty Information
AdmissionsAdmissions and Recruitment Management data  
Organization Information for applicants
Applications DevelopmentBuilding Information  
Code files  
Alumni/DevelopmentConstituent Information  
Contribution/Donor Information  
Organization Information required for donation information  
Campus Organization Information for Graduates and Withdrawns  
Alumni Information
Business OfficeAccounts Payable  
Accounts Receivable  
General Ledger  
Organization Information required for vendors
Dean of Students OfficeForeign Person Information  
Campus Organizations for Current Students 
Sevis Information
Financial AidFinancial Aid data
Human ResourcesHuman Resource Information  
Faculty Information
PayrollPayroll Information
PurchasingPurchasing Information
Registrar’s OfficeStudent Academic Records  
Curriculum Management data  
Degree Audit data  
Registration data  
Faculty Information required for scheduling of classes  
Organization Information required for student records
Residence LifeResidence Life data  
Residence Hall Room Information
Not assignedDisability Information  
Language Information  
A table that contains a description of what each department does
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