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Common Teams Settings

Navigate to settings by clicking on the three dots next to your user profile in the top right corner of your Teams application. The most common settings updated for ease of use are in General, Appearance and Accessibility and Notifications and Activity.

Drop down menu from the three dots in the top right corner of Teams

General Settings

General Settings within Teams Desktop Application

General Settings involves how the application opens and runs, how you view content and your out of the office schedule.

By default, Teams will auto-start, be open in the background, and open content and chats in the main window.

Appearance and Accessibility

Themes allows you to choose between visual options for your Teams application

  • System Default
  • Calssic
  • Light
  • Dark
  • High Contrast

Chat Density allows you to see “Comfy” or “Compact” messages

Layout allows you to choose to either see your Teams channels in Grid View, or List view based on your navigational preferences. By default, Teams is set to Grid view.

Appearance and Accessibility settings in Microsoft Teams Desktop Version

Notifications and Activity


General settings allow you to determine how notifications for mentions, calls, etc display on your screen, or what sounds are played as you receive those notifications.

Chats and Channels

Allows you to customize what notifications will appear in your activity tab, or in the notification bar at the the bottom of your screen. This includes mentions, Replies, Reactions and Posts


Customize how you see meeting start, or chat notifications, whether or not people are online, and when you receive calendar notifications within Teams.

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