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Concept Mapping

Software tools can assist with creating concept maps, mind maps, or graphic organizers.

Electronic concept mapping tools

1. Microsoft Visio

Wooster Microsoft 365 users can access for free on computers. Visio can be reached directly from Launch Visio or from the ‘waffle’ app switcher when logged in online to M365.


2. Lucidchart

Lucidchart is an “intelligent diagramming application.”

The free account provides 3 maps. If you signup with your College email address, you will be awarded a premium license for free.

Higher Education student or professor?

  1. For Higher Education students and professors, select “Sign up free” and create a Lucidchart account with your College email address and a password (not synced with your College password changes).
  2. Lucidchart will recognize your @wooster.edu email address and ask you two questions. Answer educator or student and “Higher education.”
  3. A message will display that you have been upgraded to an EDU free plan.

Lucidchart’s article on ‘what is a concept map’ offers commentary on the research plus links to creating a concept map in other applications (Word, PowerPoint, Google).

You can share electronically, use plug-ins to embed in Word, PowerPoint, etc., download a PDF (or other file types).

Resources: Lucidchart Getting Started Guide and Reference Guide.

3. Mindmeister

Collaborative Mind mapping online (browser) and apps for iOS and Android. The free account allows up to 3 mind maps for free.

Features include sharing, publishing to web, presentations (cannot print or save as PDF from free account – use screen capture?)

Resources: Mindmeister Basics Guide

Digital Whiteboard

1. Microsoft Whiteboard

Wooster Microsoft 365 users can access for free on computers or mobile devices. Whiteboard can be reached directly from https://whiteboard.microsoft.com/ or from the ‘waffle’ app switcher when logged in online to M365. Whiteboard is also a feature from within Teams.


A Whiteboard can be assigned as part of a Teams Assignment: previously created whiteboards can be added to assignments as reference material or they can be duplicated for an individual or a group of students to complete and submit. Alternatively, assign a blank whiteboard to unleash student creativity.

2. Lucidspark

Lucidspark is a virtual whiteboard offered by the Lucidchart platform. See above for account details and here for Help for Lucidspark.


1. OneNote

Wooster Microsoft 365 users can access for free on computers or mobile devices. In addition, every course in Moodle has an associated Class Team that automatically includes a Class Notebook. Any pages created in the “Collaboration Space” section are editable by Team members.

Drawing is easier/better on a tablet or touchscreen; tools include shapes, lines, pens/drawing tools.

Get started using OneNote

2. Adobe Illustrator Draw

Adobe products are expensive, although Adobe Creative Cloud apps are available on campus. See our Computer Lab Technology List for details.

This Draw app for mobile devices is free.

Sketchnoting and visual notetaking examples.

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