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Omeka ( Oh-mehk-ah) is a free, open-source web publishing system for online digital archives.  This web-based tool allows users to manage digital exhibits.  Omeka can be customized through plugins and themes.  The main purpose of Omeka is to display and organize digital images.

What can it do?

  • Download and use the software with no contract or annual fees (Linux web server only)
  • Extensible with plugins and themes
  • Create an exhibition/collection of items with metadata including photographs and videos
Omeka’s Interface

Uses in a Course

  • Publish an essay or digital dissertation
  • Share primary source collections
  • Collaborate with others in the creation of digital scholarship


Additional Help

  • Student Technology Assistants are available to help at the Digital Media Bar in Andrews Library in the CoRE.
  • Educational Technology can support and train in Omeka.
  • Omeka Screencasts This link will take to to a page with various tutorial screencasts for different Omeka topics like: “What is Omeka?”, managing items, managing collections, exhibit builder and plugins.
  • Dublin Core Metadata User Guide This link will take you to a guide to help you document your items’ metadata effectively.
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