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Repair Policy – April 2016

Information Technology (IT)


April 22, 2016

Information Technology is making a few changes to the College’s standing “practices” relating to repairs and replacement of lost/stolen/accidentally damaged computer equipment.  We are doing this to simplify and expedite the processes of repairing computer systems that are no longer covered by warranty, have been accidentally damaged, or lost or stolen.    We’re also doing this to reduce the time IT staff and faculty and staff spend in the process of figuring out the funding source for such fixes or replacements, and in processing chargebacks or purchase requisitions.

The major changes effective July 1:

  • As long as the repair does not exceed the cost of a replacement device, or the current value of the damaged device:
    • All repairs, except those determined to be the result of “improper use,” intentional damage, or damage done by someone other than the College employee to whom the system is issued will be covered through the Technology Services Repair Shop Budget.
    • Accidental damage repairs will be covered through the Technology Services Repair Shop Budget to a limit of one such repair per system. 
    • Replacement of lost or stolen notebook or tablet computers will be handled through the College’s Insurance Deductible budget administered by the Vice President for Finance and Business and Information Technology.
    • IT will cover some “in-cycle” upgrades to computers, if such upgrades will significantly improve performance and extend the system’s useful life to be issued to visiting faculty or as a loaner system.
    • The Technology Services Repair Shop will now cover the replacement of one battery per notebook system per user.

A complete list of “Who covers what?” follows.  This list was originally formulated for the Department Chairs in fall 2015; we have updated it and will add it to our list of policies and procedures.

The changes are based on our current, typical annual incidents.  At our current “experience,”   the VPFB and IT have determined that we can cover the “typical” expenditures within our existing budget allowances.   We will be tracking repairs and replacements, and should we see patterns that differ significantly from our estimates, we may need to reconsider this change in policy and procedure.  In addition, should we note that individuals appear to have more frequent or unusual repairs or lost or stolen equipment,  IT or the VPFB will inquire of the individual, and advise the appropriate senior staff member. 

04-22-16  E. Falduto

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