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Setting Up Your Voicemail Box

Initial Setup:

  1. From your campus phone dial extension 3200
  2. When prompted enter your 4 digit code, if you are just setting up your voicemail box this code will be the last 4 digits of your office phone number
  3. Follow the instructions provided to setup your voicemail and change your passcode

Login to your voicemail box

  1. From your campus phone dial extension 3200
  2. When prompted enter your passcode

Recording or Changing your voicemail box name

  1. Log into your Mailbox.
  2. Press 8 for User options.
  3. Press 6 to access your Name
  4. Press 5 to Listen to your name.
  5. Press 7 to Record your name.
  6. Press 9 to exit.

Recording or changing your voicemail greeting

  1. Log into your Mailbox.
  2. Press 8 for User options.
  3. Press 4 to access your Greetings.
  4. Press 5 to Listen to your greeting.
  5. Press 7 to Record your greeting.
  6. Press 9 to exit.

Changing your voicemail passcode

  1. Changing your passcode
  2. Log into your Mailbox.
  3. Press 8 for User options.
  4. Press 7 to access your Passcode.
  5. Enter a new passcode.
  6. Reenter your new passcode for confirmation.
  7. Enter your old passcode.

Accessing Your Voicemail Off Campus:

Voicemail – Accessing from Off Campus – Technology Documentation (wooster.edu)

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