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Twitter is an online news and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets”, which are up to 280 characters each.

What can it do?

  • As a “status” updater, users post comments like “working on writing a paper right now” to let others know where they are or what they’re doing
  • As a “mini-blog”, users post short, frequent updates with their thoughts and current concerns
  • As a quick way of sending out announcements
  • To keep track of several individuals (perhaps their location, current activities, or general thoughts) without directly interacting with them
Twitter’s Web Interface

Uses in a Course

  • Create a class account as a public microblog
  • Real-time interaction with professors, classmates, and other people beyond the class
  • Follow professionals in the area and quickly extend your knowledge or networking


Additional Help

  • Student Technology Assistants are available to help at the Digital Media Bar in Andrews Library in the CoRE.
  • Educational Technology can provide support and training about Twitter.
  • Twitter offers support and FAQs.
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