Disordered Eating

Most people falling victim to eating disorders do not realize their behavior follows disordered eating patterns.

Eating disorder behavior patterns include:

  • Feeling guilty when you eat
  • Comparing your eating habits to those around you
  • Defining your self-worth based on how you’ve eaten that day
  • Socially isolating yourself based on perceived weight and/or appearance problems (not going out or not joining friends to meals, or avoiding them during meal times)
  • Turning to weight and food obsessions or exercise to fix other issues
  • Over-exercising to make up for food eaten
  • Blaming social problems on weight and food issues.

Disordered eating can come and go, and can be very difficult to identify. If any of the above examples sound like you, talking to someone can prevent more severe problems from forming.

National Eating Disorders Association 

*Taken from the University of Michigan