John Plummer Memorial Scholarship
The John Plummer Memorial Scholarship for Promoting a Welcoming Campus for LGBTQ People was established in 2008 in memory of John Plummer, a longtime comptroller in the Wooster Business Office and mentor to the Wooster lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) student community. Plummer, one of the few openly gay persons on campus, served as a lifeline to many in Wooster’s gay student community and was an ardent advocate for a more inclusive and respectful Wooster campus. After Plummer’s death in 2006, Hans Johnson, a 1992 graduate, and friend of Plummer became the guiding force in the creation of the scholarship.
Dr. Todd Smallwood Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. M. Todd Smallwood Scholarship was established by Michael Todd Smallwood, a graduate of the class of 1965 in honor of his 50th Anniversary of his graduation from the College and to mark the two careers he had as a result of his education. The purpose of this endowment is to provide financial assistance to students at The College of Wooster who support the LGBTQ community, including non-gay allies. Though not mandatory, preference for this scholarship will be given to those who have similar backgrounds to Dr. Todd Smallwood: Graduated in a small high school class (less than 250 persons), majoring in or considering History or Political Science as a major, are considering a teaching career, and/or actively engaged in community service/intend to be involved in community service.
Recognition of Recipients
Recipients of the John Plummer Memorial Scholarship and Dr. Todd Smallwood Endowed Scholarship will be honored at the annual ceremonies of the Dewald Recognition Banquet and Lavender Celebration.
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