Student Recognition Fund

Interactions between students and staff contribute to the strength of the campus community. Reimbursement is available to support entertainment activities in any location, on- or off-campus.

The intent of this fund is to offer employees an opportunity to host events with students that are not supported through other sources. Events with recognized campus student organizations including Greek life cannot be covered.

One request per fiscal year may be submitted for your student group. Reimbursement amount will be determined based on number of students expected, number of staff expected, and budget provided.    

Application Process

  1. A request for funds should be submitted 30 days prior to your event or opportunity. Applications submitted after the event will not be considered.
  2. Fill out the request form.

Award Process

The Committee’s decision on each request will be communicated to the applicant via email including a request to accept the funding and next steps. Please allow two weeks for a response.

Staff members who are awarded funding are encouraged to send a summary or reflection of their experience to Staff Committee following the event. 

Feel free to contact any member of The Staff Committee or email Staff Committee if you have questions.