
The Staff Committee is pleased to provide an opportunity for staff members to apply for funding to assist with enrichment opportunities. 

Fund Overview

This funding could be applied to individuals or groups.  All staff are invited to apply for funding up to $150 to support activities such as off-campus seminars, workshops, retreats, etc. related to “staff development”.

Please be advised that this fund should be used as an opportunity to broaden your skill set, not fulfill a work requirement.  If you are being asked to attend a conference or a class for your specific job, it is your department’s responsibility to fund such requests.

Application Process

  • A request for funds should be submitted 30 days prior to your event or opportunity. Applications submitted after the event will not be considered.
  • Your application should include items such as registration costs, mileage, airfare, rental car, and/or hotel expenses.  Requests should NOT include items such as food, entertainment, or other ancillary items. The application form requests budget details including your requested amount from the Staff Development fund and amounts from other funding sources, as well as the status of other funding sources.
  • The Committee will review requests individually. Please allow two weeks for a response.
  • To apply, please complete our online form.
  • To fund the high volume of requests, each staff member may request funding no more than every other year. 

Award Process

The Committee’s decision on each request will be communicated to the applicant via email including a request to accept the funding and next steps. Please allow two weeks for a response.

Staff members who are awarded funding are encouraged to send a summary or reflection of their experience to Staff Committee following the event. 

Feel free to contact any member of The Staff Committee or email Staff Committee if you have questions.