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Creating a Poster using Pages

Why Pages?

For the time being, Educational Technology recommends using Pages for large format printing due to the ease of use in designing posters, but there are other applications for poster creating. If you are unsure on which program to use, you should contact Educational Technology to decide on one before creating your poster.

Creating your Poster’s Layout

You can create your layout by creating elements, into which you can insert text boxes and images. If you need help getting started, you can Contact Educational Technology or meet with a student digital media assistant.

***Important: The roll of paper for the poster printer is 36 inches wide. This means that either the width or height of your poster can be no more than 36 inches with a margin. As long as either the width or height is 36 inches, the other dimension can be longer.

Pages 2009 or higher

From a blank template

  1. Choose Blank Landscape when launching Pages
  2. Click on File
  3. Click on Page Setup
  4. Click on Paper Size
  5. Select Manage Custom Sizes from the menu (Also you have the option to download the template on the “Logos and Templates” page (link needs update) on the wiki)
  6. Click the plus sign (+) under the list.
  7. Enter your poster dimensions
  8. Click OK                                                                                     
  9. Prepare your poster

When you are ready to submit your poster

  1. Click on File
  2. Click on Export                                                                                      
  3. Verify that it is using PDF and the Image Quality is Best and click Next                  
  4. Enter a filename for your poster (a good option would be to name it with your username and then something descriptive, e.g., jdoe25_symposium)
  5. Click Export                                                                                                       
  6. Submit the PDF you just created to the poster printing form
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