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Moodle Setup Best Practices

Here are some of Educational Technology’s top Moodle best practices to help you as you work on your courses.

Step 1: Visit Moodle Professional Development Course

The Moodle Professional Development Course is your one-stop shop for everything that you will need to help you get your Moodle course up and running. Within the course, you will find the following areas to help you to set up your Moodle course(s):

  • Getting Started
  • Course Settings
  • Ready to Launch
  • Content
  • Communication
  • Activities
  • Feedback Options
  • Assignments
  • Quiz
  • Gradebook

Step 2: Course Settings to Keep in Mind

Here are some things to keep in mind with your course settings.

  • Make your course visible when you are ready for your students to see the course materials. You can learn how in our Moodle Professional Development Course.
  • If you use the weekly format, make sure you do not click on “calculate end date by the number of sections” button. This action sets a course end date which removes the course from the left nav bar and the In progress view in the Dashboard.
  • Add a course image to appear on the Dashboard
  • Consider the different course formats that you can use
  • Add blocks to your course to help assist you and your students

Step 3: Import Course Materials into a New Course

Want to reuse materials from your previous course in Moodle? Follow these steps in the Moodle PD course for Reusing Content.

Step 4: Support for Moodle Activities and Assignments

Our Moodle Professional Development course has several resources for you to check on activities and assignments. Due to popular inquiry, we have listed some resources for a few of the most asked-about activities and assignments from this semester.

Step 5: Ready to Launch

Need a checklist to help you as you are setting up your course? Use our Ready to Launch worksheet to guide you through the process.

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