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photo of MacBook laptop with iMovie software and a video of Kauke arch

iMovie is a digital video editing software program for the Mac and iOS. With iMovie, you can import video clips and photos, or record directly into iMovie using a web cam. Once you have imported your video, you can trim content, combine clips, insert images, and add audio tracks, special effects, and transitions to create a finished movie.

What can it do?

  • Perform basic video edits with a library of special effects and transitions
  • Connect a digital video camera or a Web camera to import video
  • Link with iTunes and iPhoto for easy import of audio tracks and still images
  • Export video in QuickTime files or share directly on websites including Facebook and YouTube
screenshot of iMovie interface with Media tray, timeline, and video preview of people skateboarding
iMovie’s software interface

Uses in a Course

  • Preparation of short clips for streaming or download
  • Editing platform for original student films
  • Digitizing classroom video footage
  • Digital storytelling projects


  • iMovie is available to use on iMacs in Andrews Library in CoRE, the Digital Studio, and the McCoy Lab.
  • iMovie comes pre-installed on every Mac.
  • iMovie is available in the iOS App Store for iPhone and iPad.

Things to Consider Before Using iMovie

  • iMovie is designed for educational and home users, it doesn’t have advanced featured found in professional video editing software such as Adobe Premiere
  • An iMovie project file is not suitable for uploading or streaming, it must be exported as a MP4 or WAV file.
  • Even short films take several gigabytes of storage in the editing process; make sure your computer or mobile device has enough space.
  • Editing short films can take time.
  • Additional hardware may be needed for digitizing VHS or DVDs.

Software Support

Additional Help

  • Digital Media Assistants are Educational Technology student employees available for consultations at the Digital Media Bar in Andrews Library CoRE.
  • CoRE Consultants are available to help in the Digital Studio in Andrews Library
  • Educational Technology offers support and training in iMovie
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