BenefitHub Discount Marketplace

Being an employee at The College of Wooster gives you access to BenefitHub, a discount marketplace with hundreds of exclusive discounts on popular services, brands, and attractions – and much more!

Signing up for BenefitHub is as simple as three easy steps:

1. Go to
2. Enter your information.
3. Sign up & start saving!

Once you are registered, you can easily access the BenefitHub marketplace anytime here, or save the website to your bookmarks for easy access!

Note Regarding Car Rental Discounts through The College:

Although BenefitHub offers several car rental discount opportunities through your account, if you are renting a car on behalf of The College, please continue to utilize the Enterprise car rental service to take advantage of their special discount, and this discount can also be used for personal rentals. Additionally, the ScotShare electric careshare program is available to employees looking for an electric carshare option.

How to Sign up for BenefithHub (detailed instructions)

BenefitHub Launch Flyer

BenefitHub FAQ