The big day is here. On Friday/Saturday the new website launches and with it this site as well. This site will continue to be an in process project throughout the Fall as we work with offices to make sure all content has been migrated from the old site and wiki, to identify and train site editors for the office, and conduct training. Offices should be very excited about this change as they will be able to update their website at any time. In the interim offices should feel free to contact Dr. Jon Breitenbucher or Dr. Ellen Falduto with questions or requests.
A little information about the site. The site is using WordPress as the software platform and the modern version of WordPress using the Gutenberg Block editing experience to construct pages and posts. Below are some tutorials that highlight how to use the Blocks to construct posts and pages. You may also want to look at WordPress’ resources for learning WordPress.
If you have a site for your office, keep and eye open for an email from us about scheduling training and transition.