Spring Sophomore Research Project #17

Professor Sarah Sobeck, Chemistry Department

Project Description

Our research group seeks to understand the chemistry induced by UV or visible light on model organic systems, and how the environment of the molecule may impact the processes. Currently our research focuses on two chemical classes, UV-absorbers used in personal care products like sunscreens and colorants used in art. Student researchers will continue our investigation into the light-induced breakdown of these compounds and its impact on their use. This will involve analytical measurements to follow degradation, sample preparation, and kinetic studies.

Prerequisite Classes/Skills Required

CHEM 111/112 (student may be enrolled in CHEM 112 currently)

Student skillset and interest will help determine the project the student will work on. Students are encouraged to meet with Dr. Sobeck to discuss the research and potential projects.

Time expectations

2.5 hours per week for 12 weeks