Lisa Perfetti
Office: Galpin 111
Phone: 330-263-2004
Email: lperfetti@wooster.edu
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Jennifer Bowen
Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement (DCAE), Professor of Mathematics
Office: Galpin 110
Phone: 330-263-2008
Email: jbowen@wooster.edu
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Sarah Sobeck
Dean for Faculty Development, Professor of Chemistry
Office: Galpin 109
Phone: 330-263-2576
Email: ssobeck@wooster.edu
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Jamie Orlando-Myers
Executive Associate to the Provost
Office: Galpin 112
Phone: 330-263-2004
Email: jorlando@wooster.edu

Jessica Martin
Academic Budget & Data Analyst
Office: Galpin
Phone: 330-263-2166
Email: jmartin@wooster.edu

Karen Parthemore
Assistant to the Dean of Curriculum & Academic Engagement
Office: Galpin 110
Phone: 330-263-2008
Email: kparthemore@wooster.edu
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Morgan Lee-Barton
Assistant to the Dean of Faculty Development and Academic Affairs Coordinator
Office: Galpin 109
Phone: 330-263-2576
Email: mlee-barton@wooster.edu
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs