Academic Policies

General College Policies for all Syllabi (linked here)

This document contains:

  • Academic Honesty & the Code of Academic Integrity Policy explaining what constitutes academic dishonesty at the College.
  • Accommodations Policy informing students who are English Language Learners and those with disabilities about how to get accommodations and support. This is included in Academic Resource Center: Academic Support & Resources.
  • Conscientious Religious Observance Policy with a link to the Conscientious Religious Observance Notification Form for submitting requests for exemptions.
  • Maximum Class Absences Policy
  • Statement about Academic Conflicts that tells students what to do when they are unable to attend class or some other class-related activity. See Conflicts with Academic Responsibilities.
  • Copyright Statement about appropriate use of course materials. The policy is both to protect you and to protect the educational use of copyrighted material. See Course Materials & Recording of Classes.
  • Bias Reporting Statements that gives students information about where they can turn to report bias in the classroom or anywhere else on campus. See statements on Sexual- and Gender-Based Assault (Title IX) or Misconduct and Discriminatory or Bias Related Harassment.
  • Course Withdrawal Options explaining the process for withdrawing before the end of the 6th week (which removed a course from the student’s transcript) or later in the semester (end of the 12th week) with a notation of “W” for Withdrawn.
  • Final Exams Policy on when final exams can be scheduled and how a student may petition to change an exam time. See Final Examinations.

Resources from the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement

Recognized Academic Conflicts (Athletic)

To view athletic event conflict information, open the athletic events calendar. Click on the athletic event title. The resulting pop-up will display travel times and more event information.

Resources from the Dean of Students Office

Resources from Academic Affairs