FAQs for Committee on Conference with Trustees (CWT)

Section 1. Role and logistics

  1. What is the role of CWT?

    According to the Statute of Instruction:

    CWT serves as a direct means of communication between faculty and trustees. The concerns of both bodies may be shared through the offices of this committee.

    CWT is an integral part of any proposed changes in The Statute of Instruction and can initiate proposed changes to the statute.

    CWT receives inquiries and requests from any faculty member or members. These are discussed and transmitted to the appropriate person or group (committee, administrator, Trustees) for action. For more detail see Section 2 below.

    All proposals for “changes in the status” of programs of supplemental benefits for the faculty should be communicated in writing to CWT for its deliberation and will be reported to the faculty for its consideration.

    At the Board of Trustees (BoT) meeting, the members of CWT meet with a committee of the trustees to discuss concerns of faculty. CWT members also are invited to attend some of the other committee meetings (e.g., Resources and Mission & Outcomes) as observers. Afterwards, the CWT members write a report to share with the faculty summarizing the discussions at the BoT meeting.
  1. Why might I want to serve on CWT?

    The CWT is unique in its nature. It is the only committee that meets directly with the Board of Trustees to discuss with the governing body of the College important issues that are related to the campus community. It is also the committee with direct oversight over the Statute of Instruction built into its purview, which gives it a unique and central role in faculty governance.
  1. How often does CWT meet?

    The Committee typically meets weekly or biweekly during the fall and spring semesters, with additional meetings as needed in June prior to the Board of Trustees meeting.
  1. Who are the members of CWT?

    Six faculty members, elected for three-year terms. At the first meeting of this committee in the fall of each year, one of its members is elected to serve as chairperson for the year.
  1. What is the role of the President and other administrators in CWT?

    Although neither the President nor any other administrators are members of CWT, this committee may request a meeting with them whenever necessary to discuss issues related to the financial condition of the College, staffing, curricular changes, and such other important matters as the committee deems appropriate.
  1. What are the similarities and differences between CWT and other elected committees?
  • The major difference is that this committee meets directly with the Board of Trustees. The Committee on Faculty Relations of the Board of Trustees and CWT constitute the Joint Committee on Conference, which typically meets at the time of regular Board meetings. Either the chairperson of the Committee on Faculty Relations or the chairperson of CWT may call additional meetings.
  • CWT is also the committee charged with fielding concerns from other members of the faculty and judging which body is the most appropriate to address or investigate them.
  • Students do not serve on CWT.

Section 2: Addressing issues of concern to the faculty or in relation to the Statute

  1. How/when do I bring an issue to CWT?

    Any issue of concern to the faculty can be brought to CWT by faculty members, administrative staff, or trustees.

    When: Issues can be brought to CWT at any time of year, but will be addressed most promptly when the academic year is in session.

    How: Faculty members can bring issues to CWT by contacting any of the current members of the committee.
  1. What happens after I bring an issue to CWT?

    Once an issue is brought to the attention of one of the members of CWT, the member communicates the concern to the rest of the committee members. The initial person expressing the concern can remain anonymous to the rest of the committee if they so desire. CWT will discuss the concern at the next available time in their weekly meeting and will attempt to prioritize concerns that are of a time-sensitive nature. CWT will either consider the issue further or direct the concern to the appropriate committee or administrative office.
  1. How does the CWT interact with the Board of Trustees (BoT)?

    The members of CWT interact with the trustees at the times of the regular BoT meetings which occur three times a year, generally in October, March, and June. The CWT members are invited to attend some of the individual committee meetings of the BoT as observers. The CWT and the Faculty Relations Committee of the BoT also convene once during each BoT meeting. At this joint meeting, the CWT and BoT members discuss agenda items that have been previously agreed upon.
  1. How is the joint CWT-BoT agenda set?

    The agenda for the joint CWT-BoT meeting is jointly crafted by CWT and BoT approximately one month before the BoT meeting. This initial agenda is based on current concerns to the faculty that have been brought to the attention of CWT. Together the two chairs decide which issues are most pressing for discussion at the joint meeting. The final agenda is set approximately two weeks before the BoT meeting.
  1. How does CWT deal with issues that come from the BoT?

    In addition to bringing issues of faculty concern to the BoT for discussions, the BoT sometimes presents CWT with issues that they feel should be addressed in relation to faculty. These issues are brought up for discussion at subsequent CWT meetings and then presented to the faculty at the earliest opportunity.