Appointed Committees (2024-2025)

Approved by the Faculty, May 2024

For additional information on the duties of each Committee, see  Chapter 8 “Faculty Governance & Committees” in the Faculty Handbook

PDF available in the Academic Affairs for Faculty Team

Academic Standards Committee Faculty Representatives (see Satisfactory Academic Process information)

  • John Siewert
  • Michelle Johnson (cont)
  • Elys Kettling Law (cont)

Alumni Board Faculty Representatives

  • Michael Bush
  • Rebecca Garonzik

Educational Assessment Committee (EAC)

  • Sarah Mirza
  • Ziying You

Campus Sustainability Committee

  • Josephine Shaya
  • Matt Mariola

Classroom Stewards

  • Colby Long
  • Erum Haider
  • Tom Wood

Conduct Board Faculty Representatives (see The Conduct System)

  • Beatrice Adams
  • Jeff Gershman
  • Ashley Sorensen
  • Sofia Visa

Copeland Fund for Independent Study Committee

  • Osmer Balam
  • Jennifer Faust
  • Qimin Huang
  • Miriam Kilimo
  • Tracy Cosgriff (cont)

Cultural Events Committee

  • Colin Davison
  • Meg Wrobel (cont)
  • Mehri Yavari

Faculty Research & Development Committee (FRDC) – see information on Faculty Funding

  • Ahmet Atay
  • Cody Leary
  • Seiko Matsuzawa

Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA) Academic Council Representatives

  • Seth Kelly (Spr)
  • Huiting Tian
  • Rebecca Williams (Fall)

Global Engagement Office (GEO) Advisory Committee

  • Laura Burch (cont)
  • Omar Dieng
  • Daimys Garcia
  • Peter Pozefsky
  • Garrett Thomson

Human Subjects Research Committee (HSRC)

  • Heather Fitz Gibbon (Spr, cont)
  • Michele Leiby
  • Sara Martin (Fall)
  • Carlo Moreno (Fall, cont)
  • Anne Nurse (Spr)
  • Terry Reeder

Institutional Animal Care & Usage Committee (IACUC)

  • Amy Jo Stavnezer
  • Alfredo Zúñiga (cont)
  • Ian McCullough

Libraries, Informational Resources & Technology Committee (LIRTC)

  • Elora Agsten
  • Claire Eager (cont)
  • Adam Ewing

Research & Study Leaves Committee

  • Dean Fraga
  • Jennifer Hayward
  • Matt Krain
  • Marina Mangubi (cont)

Scot Council

left vacant, to be assigned pending information from Scot Council leadership

STEM Success Initiative Advisory Committee (Non-STEM Representative)

  • Gretchen Tefs (cont)