Cultural Events Committee Proposal Submission Guidelines

The charge of the Cultural Events Committee is to enrich the learning environment by supporting speakers, performances, film screenings, exhibitions and to promote campus engagement with scholars, artists, authors, and activists which enhance the intellectual life of the College and foster intercultural communication. Therefore, the Committee strives to allocate support for these opportunities widely and equitably across the College and its programs. 

Applications are welcome from Faculty and Staff.

Events supported with Cultural Events funding should be special, not routine. Whenever possible, the Committee encourages applicants to request funds from other departments, programs, student groups, offices across campus, and organizations in the community that might be interested in the event. For budgetary and promotional reasons, co-sponsorship from multiple sources is especially encouraged for large requests. This is beneficial not only for sharing the costs of an event, but also for advertising, reaching a larger audience, and creating connections among departments and programs on campus. 

The Committee welcomes applications for two types of events: 

  • Campus-wide events (in-person or virtual) that will reach many members of the campus and local community. In recent years, funded proposals have ranged between $200 and $1,000. When funding is available, exceptional requests, exceeding $1,500, may also be granted. Some speakers include their fees on a website or will send them to organizers by request. Others work through an agent. There is often a wide range of what is requested. For additional information, see the section on “Contracts, Expenses & Honoraria” in The Faculty Handbook, Chapter 11: Resources for Organizing Campus Events. Please note that the Committee can fund meals for visitors but not for faculty or staff. A reception, giving students an opportunity to interact with the guest, may be funded. Funding from other sources on campus can often be used for meals for faculty or staff.
  • Class visits (in-person or virtual) which allow students the opportunity to engage with scholars, artists, filmmakers, authors, and activists—often from throughout the world, especially when planning a campus visit is not possible—on a topic related to a particular course. When possible, the class meeting should be open (and advertised) to a broader range of interested groups, such as colleagues with similar interests and/or a related student organization. Depending on prep time for a (virtual) class visit, $100-$250 is typically a reasonable amount to request. To most equitably allocate limited resources, we encourage organizers to first seek support from departmental endowments, if available, before requesting funds from Cultural Events. Funding requests above a $250 honorarium should involve co-sponsorship from other funding sources. 

Applications for Cultural Events funding are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year for as long as funds are available. Barring special circumstances, such as events close to the beginning of the academic year, requests should be submitted well in advance of campus-wide events (2-3 months) and at least 2-3 weeks in advance of the proposed course-centered events. 

Additional resources to assist organizers are available in The Faculty Handbook.

To apply, please complete the Cultural Events Application Form

Below are questions the Cultural Events Committee considers in evaluating proposals: 

  • Is this event of interest to an audience extending beyond a single class, department or program? Will the event reach both faculty and students—and, when appropriate, members of the wider Wooster community? 
  • Does this event coincide with other campus events? It is important to minimize overlap with other scheduled events on campus and avoid conflicts with events attracting similar audiences (see the Scheduling and Events page for the Campus Calendar and additional details). Events should not be held during holidays and breaks. 
  • Is the proposed budget appropriate for the size of the audience the event would attract? 
  • Does the event have funding support from a source or sources other than the Cultural Events Committee? 
  • Is the budget sufficiently detailed? Do the numbers add up? 
  • Has the applicant attempted to minimize costs (e.g., by scheduling travel arrangements early)? 
  • How will the event be promoted? Will these efforts reach students? Will these efforts reach members of the campus community outside of the sponsoring department or program? How will the event be promoted to the community at large? 

Feel free to reach out to the 2024-2025 committee members if you have questions:

  • Colin Davison (Economics)
  • Mehri Yavari (Communications)
  • Meg Wrobel (Political Science)