Professor Ellyn Evans, Biology Department and BCMB Program
Project Description
As sessile organisms plants are constantly exposed to various stress conditions, both biotic and abiotic. While, the role of the soil microbiome in response to both forms of stress is quite limited for most crop plants. This project can be broken down into three main pathways: 1. The overarching goal of this project is to characterize the soil microbiome of two different plants (one crop vs. a model organism) to identify novel microbes that aid in stress response. 2. Modular ng plant response to stress condition via transformed CRISPR, constructs, as well as determine the differential proteomic response (building on the current transcriptomic data). 3. Study the use of soil microbes for natural product production.
Prerequisite Classes/Skills Required
Biology 201 (lecture and lab), Chemistry 112 (lecture and lab)
Time expectations
5 hours per week for 14 weeks