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Video Project Resources


When planning your video project, consider elements including video (which shots) and audio (native to the video, voiceover narration, background music, and/or sound effects). Refer to our Storyboarding post for templates to assist with brainstorming and scripting.

Capturing footage

Consider our Video Capture Best Practices handout for recommendations to make recording a success.

Plan a variety of shots, using different angles and distances to record your subject. See our Identifying Shots handout that highlights various shots in Julie Larick’s storyboard and final APEX Fellowship two-minute video.

On Campus Help and Resources:


Loaner equipment such as cameras, camcorders, microphones, and tripods are available for checkout.

  • from Technology Services: see what is available and reserve equipment online or email the Help Desk at helpdesk@wooster.edu. Pickup at Morgan Hall 4th Floor Tech Services Help Desk, M-F 8:30am-5:30pm
  • from the Library: see what is available and borrow from the Andrews Library Circulation Desk

The One Button Studio in Andrews Library Digital Studio offers a space with a camera, lights, and chromakey screen (for green screen recording) = reserve spaces through 25 Live


  • 6 iMacs with iMovie in CoRE near the Digital Media Bar
  • 5 Macs with iMovie and Adobe Final Cut in the Digital Studio
  • iMacs with iMovie in the Andrews Library McCoy Lab
  • check other labs on campus


Digital Media Assistants are Educational Technology student employees available for consultations at the Digital Media Bar in Andrews Library. Book an appointment. Usual hours when classes are in session: Sunday – Thursday 2-10PM and Friday 1-5PM.

Software documentation

Browser (Edge or Chrome): Clipchamp

Clipchamp is now available via a browser (on Windows or Mac) through Stream in our Microsoft 365 account! Visit our article Clipchamp video editor on Technology@Wooster.

Mac: iMovie



Video files are large files. To submit a video as a submission to a Moodle assignment, students will not be able to upload the video file directly to Moodle.

All College users have access to OneDrive with 1TB of cloud storage. Video files hosted in OneDrive or SharePoint can be streamed automatically in Stream. The College’s supported solution is Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint, and Stream. (Users may opt use YouTube, Vimeo, or another 3rd party cloud-hosted solution.)

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