Fun with Photoshop



In this workshop, we will cover how to turn a photograph into a sticker, as well as insert an image within text, using a few basic tools in Photoshop.


Adobe Photoshop CS 6 (Available on school computers or for download)

Outside Website (to produce stickers)

From Photo to Sticker

  1. Shape tool
  2. Fill tool
  3. Copy photo onto the second layer
  4. Layer Menu > Create Clipping Mask
  5. Transform or Crop (if necessary)
  6. Use outside sticker website to order!

Image in Text

  1. Open image
  2. Create duplicate layer (Command+J on Mac)
  3. Create a Blank layer
  4. Place blank layer in between the two photo layers
  5. Fill Layer
  6. Select the Type Tool 
  7. Set foreground color and add text (foreground color should match the fill layer)
  8. Edit text with Free Transform Command
  9. Place text layer below layer one (the first photo layer)
  10. Select ‘Layer One’ and create clipping mask


Numerous brief tutorials on Photoshop 2015:

Photo to Sticker Tutorial

Image in Text Tutorial