Microsoft Word Basics for Staff


to be covered in two sessions

  1. Start screen
  2. User interface: quick access toolbar, the Ribbon
  3. Entering text: cursor blinking, automatic text wrap, enter/return key for new paragraph
  4. Save & Save As
  5. Selecting text: click and drag, double click word, triple click paragraph
  6. Editing text: delete/backspace, highlight text and type to overtype
  7. Using Cut, Copy and Paste: select text & use ribbon buttons or keyboard shortcuts
  8. Undo and Redo
  9. Fonts: fonts, size (increase/decrease font size buttons)
  10. Format text: color, bold, italic, underline, clear all formatting
  11. Alignment: left, center, right
  12. Indent with tab key
  13. Numbered list
  14. Bulleted list
  15. Spelling and grammar check