Pre-Semester Ed Tech Workshops for Faculty 2023

Educational Technology will host pre-semester workshops for faculty the week of August 7th, 2023.

Sessions will be recorded and will be linked below, but in the meantime, check out all the options for pre-semester!

Aligning your Grade Book with your Grading Strategy

Do you want to use Moodle’s gradebook as a one-stop-shop for you and your students, but need help? Have you wanted to implement a different type of grading but don’t know how to make it work in Moodle? Are you interested in types of more inclusive grading schemes (mastery/specs/contract grading or multiple schemes) and how Moodle can help? In this session on Teams, we will explore all of the above, demonstrate the various ways you can set-up your gradebook for success in Moodle, and afford time and support to get started.

Creating ChatGPT/AI-Resistant Assignments

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t new, but ChatGPT caused an explosion of applications and uses for AI across the world this past year. There’s no doubt in any of our minds that many of our students are using it personally, professionally and academically. With new changes came new challenges and opportunities for Faculty, Staff, and Students alike. What can we do to ensure that we’re still receiving the ideas and work of our students? And if our students are using it, why can’t we?

  • Tuesday, August 8th, 2023, 10AM-12PM
  • Williams Hall, Rm 140

Moodle Basics

Moodle is the College’s learning management system that provides an online course space for every course section. All instructors and students are automatically enrolled. Join us to familiarize yourself and ask questions about course format and settings, adding resources, and using activities such as assignments, quizzes, and discussion forums. Visit the College’s Moodle at

See our Moodle Basics handout for more details.

What to get a head start? Enroll yourself in our Moodle Professional Development course (hosted in training.wooster)!

  • Friday, August 11th, 2023, 10AM-11AM
  • CoRE Cube, Andrews Library

Moodle Gradebook

Instructors can maintain their grade book in Moodle by using graded activities such as assignments and quizzes and by adding offline grade items. Join us to familiarize yourself and ask questions about aggregation methods, scoring and commenting on student work, and more. While this session will be geared towards those looking to use more traditional grading methods, it will be a good reminder, and space to ask questions about setting up your alternative gradebook!

See our Grade book topic for more details by self-enrolling in the Moodle Professional Development course (hosted in Training.wooster)

  • Friday, August 11th, 2023, 11AM-12PM
  • CoRE Cube, Andrews Library

Teams Basics

Did you know that your Moodle course will automatically create a Microsoft Class Team for you? Join us for our Teams session where we will do a quick refresher on some Teams basics and then dive into new features rolling out that can help you and your students during the academic year.

See our post on Class Teams or our Microsoft Teams Meetings post or our Microsoft Updates post for more details

  • Friday, August 11th, 2023, 1PM-2PM
  • CoRE Cube, Andrews Library

Ready to Launch?

Still have questions? Want a second pair of eyes to check that things are functioning properly for day 1? With everything you’ve learning about Moodle and Teams, we want to make sure your course can hit the ground running with your students on the first day of classes!

  • Friday, August 11th, 2023, 2PM-3PM
  • CoRE Cube, Andrews Library
  • Drop-in! Say hi! Let’s make sure you’re ready to launch!
  • See our Ready to Launch Word Document

Unable to attend one or more sessions?

Don’t fret! EdTech will be available for bookings on Tuesday, August 15th, 2023 for all of your last minute Moodle and Teams questions. Even if you get stumped after the start of the semester, you’ll still be able to find Educational Technology and Book them for consultations on Moodle, Teams and more!

Happy Fall Semester 2023!