Birds of a Feather Sessions


We heard from a number of faculty who were very interested in Educational Technology workshops, but were not be able to attend. So we would like to bring the sessions to you as Birds of a Feather sessions.

A faculty or staff member can request a Birds of a Feather session by identifying at least four colleagues who are interested in learning about the same topic and a time between 8 AM and 5 PM when everyone can meet. Simply contact Jon Breitenbucher with that information, and he will arrange for a meeting space and for someone to conduct the session.

Suggested Birds of a Feather sessions include:

iPads and Apple TVs in the classroom
Learn how to connect your iPad, iPhone, or MacBook to the Apple TVs available in a number of classrooms around campus. Learn some common connection troubleshooting tips. Learn about Apps that might be of use in your classes.

I didn’t know Moodle could do that
Learn about some of the less used but cool features available in Moodle: bulk assignment download/upload, Attendance, Audio feedback, and blind grading. Plus get help with any current Moodle tasks you are working on.

Interactive presentation technologies
Get an introduction to Smartboards and SMART Notebook. Learn how to use the Smartboard to capture class notes and make them available to students for review. Also, learn about our Smartboard alternative, Epson Brightlink projectors. We’ll demonstrate how to capture the notes from the Brightlink and discuss the similarities and differences between the two technologies.

OneDrive and Sharepoint
Learn how to add files to OneDrive and how to share them with others. Learn about synchronization options with OneDrive and how to save and edit documents to OneDrive with newer versions of Office applications. Learn about Sharepoint sites and how they differ from OneDrive. Learn about when you might opt to use one over the other.

But we are happy to conduct sessions on other topics of interest to faculty and staff.