Category: Workshops

  • Maya workshop

    Agenda In this workshop, we will cover 3D modeling and rendering in Maya 2016. Maya Maya is a powerful 3D graphics software that can model, animate and render. The workshop will use Maya 2016 student version which is available for students for free at In the workshop we will cover: Getting Started Maya GUI 3-button-mouse usage…

  • PowerPoint for Posters workshop

    PowerPoint Logo

    Agenda In this workshop, we will cover how to make Posters from a PowerPoint slide including slide formatting, adding and editing images to slide, text, and font guidelines, as well as saving and submitting your poster to be printed. We will be using PowerPoint 2016 (Mac). Set Poster Dimensions For screenshots of the steps in Windows…

  • Fun with Photoshop

    Agenda In this workshop, we will cover how to turn a photograph into a sticker, as well as insert an image within text, using a few basic tools in Photoshop.  Photoshop Adobe Photoshop CS 6 (Available on school computers or for download) Outside Website (to produce stickers) From Photo to Sticker Shape tool Fill tool…