Category: Workshops

  • Google VR

    Google Cardboard is a virtual reality platform from Google VR that is easy to use and affordable to deploy. It has a software development kit for Unity, a popular game engine. The goal of this workshop is to create a small, interactive VR scene and deploy it to a phone (iOS or Android). Resources Github…

  • Online Presence and Professionalism

    Privacy and having an online presence are not easy to separate. During the workshop we will explore the links between having online presence and being professional at the same time. This workshop will equip attendees with the knowledge to be proactive and possess important online digital skills to address concerns of online presence and professionalism.…

  • Infographics

    Resources Blog Crash Course on Infographics, Free e-book Hoonuit “Creating Infographics Training” log in via The College of Wooster Agenda In this workshop you will learn how to turn information into a creative and engaging visual display. This free online tool can be used to make posters, charts, timelines, graphs, character analysis, idea maps,…

  • Portfolio Website

    The portfolio website workshop is designed to give attendees the knowledge necessary to make a personalized portfolio website. Attendees will create a simple portfolio during the workshop and also learn about code free alternatives to make their portfolio website. Register for the event. Resources: CSS: Mozilla CSS W3 CSS cssreference fontawesome Codepen: codepen Jekyll: jekyll tutorial…

  • Simple Web Design

    Register for the event. The simple web design workshop is designed to introduce attendees to the bootstrap framework. Attendees will create a simple, basic website using the codepen online editor by the end of this workshop attendees will be able to make structured websites using the resources provided below. Resources: bootstrap4 Front end checklist Mozilla CSS…

  • Unity Game Development

    The Unity Game Development series is designed to introduce attendees to Unity. Attendees will create a simple, platformer-like game to learn Unity’s concepts. By the end of the series, attendees should have a single ‘level,’ in which they can jump around collecting objects and avoiding death. Unity will be available on the lab computers in…

  • iMovie workshop

    iMovie software application logo

    iMovie is a Mac based video editing software, aimed at entry-level and for the amateur consumer. It provides all the basic features in a clean, easy interface. The latest version of iMovie is 10.1.15. This version of iMovie has more options to share a movie, more movie and trailer theme options from iMovie for iOS,…

  • R workshop

    R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is primarily used by economists to present and display data. It is a robust tool used to present and support different hypotheses, run regression, test for irregularities in data and to create graphs. Please bring your own laptop to the workshop. Agenda Downloading…

  • Spring Workshops for Staff

    Join us this spring for computer classes on email, cybersecurity, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel! These sessions are geared for staff members interested in computer fundamentals. No prerequisite skills required. All classes are held from 2:10-3:00p.m. in Timken Science Library computer lab. We will be using Windows 10 desktop computers and Office 2016. If you have a laptop, you are…

  • Tableau workshop

    Tableau is an interactive data visualization software. Tableau Desktop software is available to faculty and students for free. For an overview of features, visit the Tableau Desktop website. For more training resources, check out Tableau’s on-demand videos and their Forum. Sample data (password required) for use during the workshop Agenda The Basics Visualizing Data: Graphs, charts, bubbles, and more Maps Storyboards Tableau Public…