Audacity workshop
Audacity is an easy-to-use, open-source audio editing software program that is available as a free download for desktop computers that run Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems. Audacity has a variety of features that can meet the needs of a range of audio recording projects, from a very basic short live recording to more elaborate,…
Adobe Lightroom Classic
This workshop will introduce the attendees to the basics of Adobe Lightroom Classic. At the end of this workshop you should be able to import and export files, apply filters to photos and learn simple photo retouching. This workshop will also give attendees time to experiment with their own photos. Agenda for Workshop Presets a.…
Logo Design in Photoshop
Links may direct you to short Hoonuit online training tutorials. Login to our Hoonuit subscription with your College credentials, then visit these links. Getting Started Create new file Background color (Gradient tool) Prepare needed elements Layering Create layers Layer icon Image Segmentation Layer mask Quick selection tool Refine edge tool Organizing Moving tool Filter Gallery…
TimelineJS allows you to make timelines simply by using Google Spreadsheets. Tips & tricks from Timeline JS creators Keep it short. No more than 20 slides. Narrative is important. Limit having stories jump around. Write each event as a part of a larger narrative. Include events that build up to major occurrences — not just…
VisualEyes is an HTML5 based tool that allows users to visualize data and more via mapping and timelines. The project interface is connected to a Google Spreadsheet which allows for collaborative editing. You can access VisualEyes documentation from Shanti through their information page. The VisualEyes homepage also has a number of projects that you can…
Save Time, Let Moodle Do More workshop
Assignments File Types for Quick Grading In order to do quick grading, students should upload files in a pdf. You can set the file type in the assignment to accept only pdfs. Rubrics Workshops for Assignments Feedback with Audio, Image, or Video Student Folders Quizzes Building a Quiz Question Types Question Bank Quiz FAQ Grades…
Creating Shapes with Adobe Illustrator
Learn how to make shapes by using Adobe Illustrator. Participants will learn about layers, backgrounds, shape tools, and how to export their design. Agenda 1. Layers Making Create artboards b. Introduce to Layers Create Layers Change Layers order Make background Shapes Making Rectangle, Eclipse, … tools Resize shapes and add colors Use of color guide…
Creating Effects with Adobe Photoshop
By the end of this session students will be able to: Import photos from the Internet Make and edit different shapes Use Blending Mode to create effects Use Clipping Mask to insert pictures Session outline: Shape Tools: Import pictures from files/Internet to Photoshop Create different types of shapes Edit shapes by rotating, changing sizes Blending…
Adobe Premiere Basics Workshop
Agenda 1. Creating New Project Open the workspace Format of the video Sequence 2. Importing Videos and Audios Organize Items Select part from Imported Video or Audios to the track 3. Basic Tools of Editing Track Select Forward Tool Unlink Razor Tool Key Frames Adding Title 4. Exporting Video format Please download the example files: Video 1 Video…
NCPH Digital History Pedagogy Workshop
Agenda Introduction Examples and Exploring Pedagogy Experiment Questions and Wrap Up Resources Contact Information Megan Smeznik, Educational Technology Associate: Arts and Humanities Institution: The College of Wooster Email: msmeznik@wooster.edu Website: https://inside.wooster.edu/technology/ Workshop: http://tiny.cc/ncphworkshop