Two workshops & drop-in help!
Educational Technology is offering two workshops (lunch included thanks to the DFD!) and a drop-in help session for faculty to get ready for Spring semester. Join us!
To AI or not to AI?

Monday, January 8, 2024
11a-2p in Lowry 202; lunch provided
There’s no doubt about it, we’re living in our AI Era. Following an opportunity to explore and engage with several AI models, and conversations about the potential advantages and shortcomings of AI, participants will have the opportunity to collaborate on the impacts of AI in their own courses. Taking assignments from your course, you’ll walk away with an AI-resistant or AI-inclusive assignment for your Spring Semester!
Be sure to Register and we’ll see you there!
Demystifying the Moodle Gradebook
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
11a-2p in Lowry 201; Lunch provided
From Categories to Rubrics to Scales, grading strategies vary widely. But no matter your grading approach, using Moodle for assignments can make grading more transparent for students and streamlined for you. Whether you grade with points or percentages or scales, we will take the mystery out of Moodle and help you to track student work and calculate grades. During this hands-on workshop you will have time to customize assignments with a scale or rubric and set up your Moodle gradebook.
Be sure to Register and we’ll see you there!
Moodle PD course in Training Topic: Gradebook
links to:

Drop in meetings!
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
2p-3:30p in Lowry 201
Have those last minute questions about Moodle, your gradebook, AI, assignment scaffolding or just need another set of eyes on your course layout? Stop by and ask away! We’re here for you, however you need us to make sure you’re ready to go for Spring Semester!
Can’t make it to the sessions?
But still need to meet with a member of Educational Technology? Book us! We’re happy to meet with you and make sure you have a successful Spring Semester!