Portfolio Website


The portfolio website workshop is designed to give attendees the knowledge necessary to make a personalized portfolio website. Attendees will create a simple portfolio during the workshop and also learn about code free alternatives to make their portfolio website. Register for the event.



  1. A quick intro to HTML, CSS and how websites are structured.
  2. Intro to codepen and a review of the resources that will be used in the workshop.
  3. Making the portfolio website using prebuilt components.
    1. Making the header.
    2. Making the navbar.
    3. Making the work experience section.
    4. Making the education section.
    5. Making the skills section.
    6. Making the testimonials section.
    7. Making the portfolio section.
    8. Making the contact me section.
  4. How to find and add icons to your website.
  5. Making the portfolio website easily and hosting it for free using Jekyll.
  6. Introducing a code free alternative, Wix.
  7. Hosting your website and the cost associated with a portfolio website.
  8. How to get help/how to fix problems.
  9. Questions